Probably the most innovative way to consume vitamin "N". This clever method is based on oral absorption popularized by the Swedes. This provides the most discreet and effective way of ingesting 'nicotiana'. The single dose pouch is a mixture of food grade fillers, salt and synthetically derived nicotine. This method is over three hundred years old and has been updated with the addition of popular flavors such as mint, menthol and the like.

white fox

White Fox Regular 5 Paws is a White pouch with a strong and very special mint/spearmint flavour experience “ with a familiar burn/tingle and cooling sensation and a hint of natural essential oils.  Portioned in a special fleece paper, this unique material provides a symbiotic flavour release when compared to traditional papers. The portion is slim and discreet




White Fox Full Charge All White Nicotine Pouches has a prominent mint flavor. White Fox contains a nicotine extract that has been extracted from the tobacco plant. However; the product contains no tobacco plant matter (e.g., leaf, root) in any form. This product has a full sized pouch.

We are nicotine addicts. We love the stuff. If you want to know why, Google will tell you. It has to do with dopamine receptors in the brain.

We started this website because we are absolutely enamoured with White Fox. Of all the nicotine products we have tried (basically all of them), this is our favourite. So we feel compelled to spread the word to other nicotine users. HOWEVER, let us be clear: if you are not already a lover of nicotine, please don't start. It is highly addictive and you don't need it.

If you are addicted to nicotine, and particularly if you smoke, then this product, like vaping or nicotine chewing gum and the like, is likely to be safer to several orders of magnitude.